Thursday, August 13, 2009

I'm so unmotivated to maintain this blog, that here's a cover song.

Saw a link on a friend's FB page regarding Joy Division covers. Here are two of my favorites, from an Italian compilation entitled "Something About Joy Division", released in 1990 on Vox Pop Records. Long out of print and hard as hell to find.

Subterranean Dining Room - Atrocity Exhibition
Afterhours - Shadowplay

A good cover to me has to be either (a) a complete bastardization of the original or (b) something where the band covering said makes it their own, taking further musically than originally intended.

Sadly, there are too many bands who do mediocre covers and then showcase them as a great accomplishment when quite often they're undeserving of a b-side.

I'll have to do this again sometime.


dj80hd said...

nice pick. Think that second link needs fixing though - there is an extra 'http//' in there.

dj80hd said...

and if you like covers where the band totally makes it their own and it sounds nothing like the original, you need to hear this cover of Dead Kennedy's 'Too Drunk to Fuck'

Loya said...

Yes, please do. I'd all but given up on you. But then again, my posts are more than a little delinquent, too. Let's both try to do better.

Now, about Wendy's blog...

j weber said...

Second linky fixed...